Tuesday, August 31, 2010




“入口的不污秽人,出口的才污秽人。”喂养牲口本身不是错,饲养牲畜产出的大量副产品才是人类必须面对的真问题。比如,1头猪每年排泄的粪便尿液接近13 个人的年排污量,而猪的粪便尿液中含有的氮、磷等高污染物质远高于人的排泄物。来自联合国粮农组织的一项研究称,畜牧业占与人类有关的一氧化二氮排放量的 65%(其中大部分来自粪便),而一氧化二氮全球暖化潜能是二氧化碳的296倍。

最新的全国污染源普查数据显示,中国主要水污染物排放量有4成以上来自农业污染源。在农业源污染中,畜禽养殖业的化学需氧量、总氮和总磷排放分别占农业源 96%38%56%.中国饲养猪的存栏数占据世界总量的半壁江山,当然,正像人们所知的那样,在中国,99%以上的养猪户年出栏量低于千头。分散、 微型养殖场排放出的污水,几乎都不能得到有效处理,不仅污染地表水、地下水、河流、池塘,而且令空气污浊不堪。未经处理的猪粪便挥发出大量氮元素,不仅是 酸雨形成的主要诱因之一,还导致农业人口多种疾患的发生。

200912月的哥本哈根气候变化峰会上,来自全球各地的素食主义组织曾联袂发表了一个“Copenvegan宣言”(vegan原意为素食主义 者)。他们呼吁,通过减少肉类消费来拯救地球。这些来自全球各地的素食主义者誓言,要把大幅减少肉类消费放入今年11月在墨西哥召开的全球气候峰会议程, 并希望利用气候效应为世界上的食肉主义者进行洗脑。

因斯坦有句名言:“没有什么能够比素食更能改善人的健康和增加人在地球上的生存机会了。”世界银行前首席经济学家斯特恩认为,人类只有变成素食主义者、放 弃饲养牛羊等动物,全球气候变暖趋势才可能缓解。“吃素是人所能及的最好做的事情”,美国航天总署戈达德太空研究所主任韩森博士认为,“大家可以做很多事 来减少排放,如果你吃食物链底层的食物而不吃动物,比做什么都有帮助。”

其实,人类目前面临的灾难是否与饲养牲畜有关并不重要。生活在这个时代,毕竟还是要讲究点吃相,对大自然总要怀有一颗敬畏之心。“无论何时何地,我都不认为 肉食对我们来说是必不可少的。”(圣雄甘地语)饕餮贪食原被上帝列入人类7大罪根之首。在今天,无需侈谈什么“铁肩担道义”之类的宏愿,我们也不奢望人们在一夜之间就变成完全的素食主义者——少吃肉,不是完全不吃肉。对于一个四口之家来说,每周忌食肉一天,其减少的“碳足迹”大约与一辆丰田普锐斯混合动力 汽车相当。




Monday, August 30, 2010









Sunday, August 29, 2010

In Love With Ulu Yam Lor Mee

“Lor Mee” is a famous dish in Hulu Yam Lama, most people came to Hulu Yam just to try the taste of Ulu Yam Lor Mee. You can not taste the same Lor Mee in other place, unless there are shop who know how to make the noodles.

Hulu Yam Vegetable farm come to knowledge of people just in the past 3 years, where it’s appearance in the newspapers attracted people eyes that its produce more than 60 mt (80 mt in peak) of leafy vegetables just in a day.

Greetings from "My Right to Safe Food"

The consequences of refined processed and junk foods are there for usto see. Distraught parents succumb to children's tantrums so as to satiate their junk food taste buds. Unfortunately most young mother's are unaware that these refined processed, junk foods are designed to

appease the senses but nothing more. Appeasing leads to addiction that costs children, youth, even young mothers and adults their lives.
Diseases that were rare at the turn of the century is invading every second home. Not to forget the big dent in the pocket, the pain, the grief upon seeing a loved one suffer. This pain cannot be quantified.

Yet consumers are either unaware or remain oblivious that their daily kitchen grocery purchases are anything but safe. The food ingredients that they purchase with such trust and loyalty undergo intense chemical processing. They range from branded refined oils, rice,
grains, sugar, synthetic sugar, flour, salt, fats, spices and more. No wonder cold pressed coconut, sesame, mustard oils and more are less sought after and their uses nullified. A huge conspiracy is behind this but I will not get into it.

These refined processed food products promoted have a longer shelf life as they undergo lethal treatments and stripped completely of nutrition. A whole lot of gimmicky advertisements shriek out their safety and advantages. With not a reason to doubt, consumers knowingly or unknowingly lap up all of the above and the fast selling refined breads, snacks, pizzas, burgers, cookies, cakes, chocolates and beverages. As if safe food alternatives were a thing of outdated past!
Our Indian belief "Buy fresh and cook fresh" is fast flying out of the window. "No Time to cook", more of a western trait prevails in Indian homes. Sadly, cooking is reserved for occasions only! But this major time constraint has been merrily encashed by fast junk foods and food processing giants.

By buying deceptively attractive fortified packaged foods, health is bound to be compromised. It is not just India but across the globe.
These branded food products by MNC's and private companies available in super market shelves are passed liberally by the food safety authorities as consumers fail to raise concerns nor question the source.

Snacks like cakes, biscuits, chips, pizzas and more have a whole lot of trans-fats or hydrogenated fats. Besides this, goes in E-numbers like emulsifiers, additives, stabilisers, colourants and
flavor enhancers.

A culmination of sedentary lifestyles and dietary shifts to processed food products and fast junk foods containing a whole lot of synthetic E-numbers are silently poisoning us. No wonder the West is suffering no end. We always look up to America. The reality is much worse there:-
One in three Americans dies of cancer
One in three suffers from allergies
One in three suffers from obesity
One in five is mentally ill
One in ten has ulcers

the other degenerative diseases like diabetes, Alzheimers and more are sapping the life blood of the nation One out of five pregnancies ends in miscarriage and one quarter of million infants are born with a birth defect each year.
Learning disabilities such as dyslexia and hyperactivity afflict seven million young people. Americans spend one dollar out of every fourteen for medical services. The most cursory survey of current statistics can prove this.

Now the question arises "Who stands to gain?" Maximum profits are reaped at a quantum speed by the most powerful and flourishing food processing industry, all at consumers cost. Parallely, the medical and pharmaceutical companies stand to gain.

Eat healthy! How do you do this with the escalating food prices, gas and everything else? Where are the alternatives? How do we get them?
This is a question often asked by people when considering how to improve their diets. However, the real question should be “How can you afford not to eat healthy with the high costs of being ill?”

Re-thinking healthy eating habits may help you make food choices that work for you. Eating healthy means selecting foods that are nutrient-dense( this will be shared shortly) readily available to the
individual. What is stopping us from going back to our time tested traditional diets? Get back to the basics. Substitute refined oils to cold pressed sesame, coconut, mustard oil and more. Substitute
margarine, low fats to ghee and butter. Substitute white refined sugar to cane sugar if not available, then go for jaggary or jaggary syrup, date syrup. Ban apartame completely out of your diets...Nutra sweet, splenda.

Substitute idozised salt to Himalayan rock salt, refined white rice red/ brown rice. So many alternatives yet the will to do is lacking.

Eating nutritious foods does not have to be costly and can actually be a cost savings in the long-run. There are many things people can do to control food costs while still wishing to have a health-promoting diet. When budgeting, most people separate medical costs from food costs. However, these two are linked. As one eats more nutritious foods, medical problems and costs can be mitigated or eliminated, thus reducing overall spending. And actually, for the typical family, an
increase in food costs is not even necessary for improving the diet. Improving one’s diet does mean spending more time to finding more nutritious foods and safe food sources/ alternatives.

What are E- numbers?

E numbers are number codes for food additives that have been assessed for use within the European Union (the "E" prefix stands for"Europe"). Check this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_number

E- numbers is a chemical compound that is added to protect against decay or decomposition to inhibit spoilage. Not all E-numbers are bad for you. However, most E- numbers are prepared/produced synthetically as these are often less expensive than the natural product.

It is extremely wise to avoid eating food with harmful food additives, preservatives. Many of these food additives were once of natural origin and were not harmful. Reading product labels for its E Numbers is essential. Its an awakening by itself. If you care for your well being, then when you purchase a food product, make a note of the E-numbers, it does not take much time. Another useful link -http://www.foodfigures.com/ and below. This way you rule out many allergies or chronic symptoms from reoccurring. Invest in your health.

Classification by numeric range. Click, you will find the E numbers that are banned or forbidden. Also please find below the E- numbers banned by some responsible countries.

1. E100s are generally colours.

2. E200 to E282 are mainly preservatives and acids.

3. E300 to E341 are mainly antioxidants and acid regulators.

4. E400s include emulsifiers, stabilisers, thickeners, anti-caking
agents, release agents and bulking agents.

5. E500-E599 - Mineral salts & Anti-caking agents
6. E600-E699 - Flavour enhancers
7. E900-E1520 and by name - Miscellaneous

A peep into what you get to eat in the processed foods that you so enjoy........

a. E 102, Tartrazine, an azo dye, yellow and orange colourant. It is Forbidden - source - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_number

Usage - Found in soft drinks, cakes, biscuits, puddings, meat products, sauces, tinned and packet convenience foods, confectionery.

Side effects - people who are intolerant to salicylates (aspirin, berries, fruits); in that case tartrazine also induces intolerance symptoms. In combination with benzoates (E210-215), tartrazine is
implicated in a large percentage of cases of ADHD syndrome (hyperactivity) in children. Asthmatics sometimes react badly and may also experience symptoms following consumption of tartrazine, as it is a known histamine-liberating agent.

Interestingly, a valuable contributor to safe foods Dr. Madan Thangavelu of the Medical Research Council Cambridge shared his take on E102, "Some 20 years ago, aged 5-10, I was diagnosed as a "problem child", with fits of anger, rage and sometimes even hold my breath until I turned blue and passed out. The doctors just blamed parenting skills or my personality. But further investigation - mainly by my parents - found this was a reaction to E102, which at the time was used to colour cola, orange juice and other food stuffs. As soon as

E102 was stripped from my diet I was as good as new".

b. E123 Amaranth, a synthetic coal tar dye, red in colour. Modern
synthetics are more likely to be made from petroleum byproducts. Forbidden

Usage - sometimes in gravy mixes, cake mixes, fruit-flavoured fillings, jelly crystals; meat patties and black currant drinks.

Side Effects - can provoke asthma, eczema and hyperactivity; it caused birth defects and foetal deaths in some animal tests, possibly also cancer.

Banned in the USA, Russia, Austria and Norway and other countries

c. E220 Sulphur Dioxide, usage found in carbonated drinks, marmalade,
glace cherries, mixed peel, cakes, fruit based products and meat products. Gas prepared chemically for use as a food preservative, flour improver, bleaching agent and vitamin C stabiliser.

Side Effects - Headaches, Intestine Upset, Skin Disorders, Destroys Vitamin B12

d. E621 - Monosodium glutamate (MSG), a Flavour enhancers derived from the fermentation of molasses, salt substitute; adverse effects appear in some asthmatic people, not permitted in foods for infants and young children; typical products are canned vegetables, canned tuna, dressings, many frozen food, and chinese foods. We Indians are very fond of Chinese food, thankfully in some well known restaurants they clearly mention - NO MSG, but most use it liberally. Warning: Adverse
effects appear in some asthmatic people, Headaches, Intestine Upset and Skin Disorders. Not permitted in foods for infants and young children.

These are only a few of E- numbers one has shared. Most question labeling in India, that it has yet to come of age or for that matter can it be trusted? My take "First start the process of reading labels, slowly the jig-saw puzzle of your deteriorating immunities will unravel. Your road to recovery begins". Its best not to fear E-numbers as all are not bad for you. Just be informed, alert and take charge than be sorry. For many years now, my family and me have been cautious and conscious when buying anything off the shelve. It certainly has paid off.

If you have limited time, please find the excerpts from links below. Print it out and carry it in your shopping bags, pick up a food product, read the label and check out for yourself. It may shock you
at first but just start. There is basic toxicology principle for safe consumption. Some Es are so safe there is no acceptable daily intake (ADI) level. E202, the preservative potassium sorbate, for instance, you can eat up to 25mg for each kg of your body weight. But there are others that have strict ADIs, although these limits aren't indicated on food packaging. Well, anything in excess over a period of time boomerangs on health. Think, how many chips packets, biscuits, cakes,
chocolates, cokes you buy off the shelve and calculate the intake of E numbers, it will be a startling revelation!

You will agree that no amount of yoga nor pranic healing, reiki nor exercise nor meditation will gain ground, if your basic Sattvic Food(pure foods that are rich in prana) is under grave assault. Energy
which has three qualities, known as Gunas exist together in equilibrium. With a balanced flow of sattva energy starting from food, a peaceful mind in control of a fit body emerges. This is not just a
prescribed diet for a yogic. Millions throng spiritual ashram/centres in search of peace, health and harmony. The food prepared is simple yet delicious, moderation is maintained along with calm energies. But most ingredients are refined in nature be it from oils, rice, sugar, flours, snacks like biscuits, cakes with hydrogenated fats and more are served. Vegetables with pesticides are outsourced. Can this be done away with? The spiritual centres surely can evolve sustainable
models of growing and procuring safe sattvic foods for their million devotees, given their financial muscle. Some ashrams are striving towards growing some vegetable produce which is good. But most are lagging far, far behind. In small spiritual gatherings or satsangs, the food served thereafter is so rajasic and tamasic that the whole purpose of a satsang is diluted. Exchanges on spiritual discourse via emails there are neither dissections nor actions stressed to caution/remedify the toxic food available nor its intake.

“When sattva predominates, the light of wisdom shines through every gate of the body” (BG 14: 11).Is this not what most want? Why, then take for granted the "powerhouse of energies, your body"?

Unfortunately consumers are victims of their own colonised minds. If such grief stricken awakenings of loved ones reaching puberty at age six, muscular distrophy at age 4, diabetes at 5, heart disease, BP at age 16 is not a reason to stand up and question. Then suffering is surely written.

More: http://myrighttosafefood.blogspot.com/2010/03/greetings-from-my-right-to-safe-food.html


自然农法的交流 ∞ 来自广州的信











Saturday, August 28, 2010


 基因改造食品(Genetically Modified Food),係人類為了某種特定目的(如提高生物抗病力、產量等),以人為的方式將某種生物具有特殊基因功能之基因分離,再轉植入另可供作食品之植物或動物體內以改變其基因組成。例如把生長激素的基因送到豬、牛動物身上,可以促使這些動物產生較多的生長激素,使其長得更快、肉質更好或牛奶分泌量增加等;而植物之基因改造亦然,其基因轉植種類則無奇不有,有將魚基因轉植至番茄、蠍子基因轉植入馬鈴薯及其他等。




英國生物學家奧帕·布茲泰博士 Dr. Arpad Pusztai)指出吃了基因改造馬鈴薯的老鼠,會有發育受阻以及免疫系統受抑制等現象;英國查爾斯王子並公開質疑基因改造食品對生態體系的潛在危險性。

美國愛荷華大學研究基因改造玉米對生物的影響,發現玉米田附近的植物會沾上基因改造的花粉,而帝王蝴蝶 Monarch butterfly)的幼蟲食用了這些植物後,死亡機率提高7倍;另美國聯邦官員於20001128日表示,有44名民眾宣稱因食用「星聯(Starlink)玉米」(為增加病蟲害抵抗力所改造基因之玉米品種)而出現過敏等症狀。

德國Jena大學的Hans-Hinrich Kaatz教授日前發表一篇研究報告稱,用來改良作物的外來基因可能流出宿主(被移植基因之生物體)之外,而跑到其它的細菌上面,並且讓細菌突變,這種突變對於人體雖不會有影響,但長期對於環境生態可能產生不良影響。




Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vegiversity: AVRDC’s contribution to vegetable biodiversity

Taina, Taiwan
April 9, 2010

Source: Newsletter of the World Vegetable Center

2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity, and AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center is part of the celebration and the ongoing discussion. Take a moment to consider the Center’s contribution to global food and health security through the conservation of diverse vegetable germplasm and the promotion of vegetable consumption.

The world’s current food production system is challenged by greater weather variability, higher average temperatures, increased numbers of extremely hot days, shorter growing seasons, increased moisture stress, added salinity from salt water intrusion and irrigation systems, and new combinations and strains of pests and diseases. Future food security will rely on the germplasm stored in international, national, and regional genebanks, where plant breeders will discover the traits to develop a new generation of resilient, climate ready crops as the base for farming systems that capture more carbon and emit fewer greenhouse gasses.

Among major crop groups held in ex situ collections by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research and regional or national institutes and programs, vegetables come in fourth place with 7%, after cereals (45%), food legumes (15%), and forages (9%).

Biodiversity is What Hulu Yam Fresh Talk About

Hulu Yam Fresh Sdn Bhd had put in great affords to encourage their farmers to work on biodiversity of farms. Although most farmers had brain wash by “modern” farming method but there are people who believe us and had done great success in their farms.

Below is an abstract of an article about biodiversity of vegetable gardening, though not commercial farming:

“In vegetable gardens, as in nature, a variety of plants will support a variety of wildlife, and diversified plantings will promote a healthy balance between those organisms that benefit crops and those that gardeners would rather do without. Several techniques for "mixing it up" in the home vegetable garden, including companion planting, succession planting, and the use of resistant varieties, can help to confound pests and diseases, and may at the same time increase yields per square foot. By providing natural pest control these techniques uphold biodiversity, and along with variety they can add color, beauty, and flavor to the home garden.

Although the classic image of a vegetable garden is based on neat rows of plants marked by seed packets on stakes, vegetable gardens can be as unique and personalized as ornamental plantings, designed to suit the garden site and the aesthetic and culinary tastes of the gardener. As long as crops can be weeded, watered, and harvested, vegetables can be grouped in all sorts of symbiotic arrangements, with other vegetables or other types of plants, either in one central location or in fertile pockets here and there.”


惜福 救地球


每个人都必须付出許多寶貴的東西,才能換取所要的东西,已经舍去的過後也許不在意,但是已然失去,得到了也許看不起,但却是必需的;得不到又覺得不甘心,總是在反反覆覆中失去了本心,待到全不在乎時,已然錯過了一切,無從拾取。 人,何必如此。

有的人窮其一世,只為一份名,從來不去細想這份名是不是該屬於自己,追尋啊追尋,只落得事如春夢了無痕;有些人汲汲營營只為利,要弄錢不惜傷天害理;更多的人 勘不被情關,貧求一個不在軌道上的感情,失去了準頭,久久喚不回自己,这最是傷情。







Wednesday, August 25, 2010


盂兰胜会的由来有这样的传说:佛籍中的目连僧因他母亲罪恶深重,死后坠入饿鬼道中,目连送食,可 是食物进了她的口,就化为烈火,目连为拯救母亲,求佛指示,佛给他一套盂兰盆经,说念此经,可招来四方之神,一起拯救他母亲。后来,对没人祭祀的孤魂饿鬼,也进行建醮超度祭奠,名为施孤,也叫盂兰胜会,沿袭而有此风俗。





Tuesday, August 24, 2010

疑荷爾蒙失調~ 男長乳房女生毛髮

























综合农耕 - - 与生态共存的种植法

817日出席隆雪工商联合会与农业销售局(FAMA)的汇报会,竟然发现已经退休的前高级总监玛蓮安也是其中一位主讲者。玛蓮安是一位负责任的女官员,她在菜农争取到乌鲁音菜区的保留机会之后,第一时间通过她的关系,安排Giant Hypermarket 与农音鲜蔬有限公司签署交菜谅解备忘录。

玛蓮安退休后,受到农业部赏识,最近重招为农业部的顾问,负责指导FAMA的契约农民计划(Contract Farming)。






Monday, August 23, 2010


摘录自:http://www.sina.com.cn 2010051409:42


作者: 南方周末记者 吕明合 实习生 袁端端 发自杭州 广州














  仅以南方周末记者查询到的案例显示,2005年,江西应用技术学院黄金校区就发生一起75名因食用含瘦肉精的牛肉而引起的集体化学性食物中毒。 2006814日,广东惠州惠城区河南岸一间小五金厂,5名工人因吃了瘦肉精超标1000倍的猪肝而引起中毒。200811月浙江嘉兴中茂塑胶实业 有限公司70名员工在午饭后开始出现手脚发麻、心率加快、呕吐等症状。出现症状的员工,都吃了红烧大肉。一查原因,罪魁祸首依然是“瘦肉精”。





  中国农业大学营养与食品安全系主任何计国介绍,如韭菜本应使用乐斯本这种低毒、低残留杀虫剂,但无良的种植者却经常使用3911这种被禁止用于 蔬果作物的低成本高毒杀虫剂。“剧毒农药,要跟枪支弹药一样管起来。农药生产厂家,要像管理人民币印刷厂一样管理。枪支弹药能管好,食品安全怎么会管不 好?”金长诘问道。

  失控正跟中国本身的管理体系有关。吴加伦批评说,与多头并出的中国体系相比,美国管农药的只有三个部门,分工明确:环保局,主要管农药的注册登记、安全使用最大残限的标准制定,开发农药残留的分析方法;农业部,专门有一个部门,专门做国内的残留抽样;FDA,则做国际和州之间的进出口检测。三部 门工作协调,分工明确。而相形之下,中国的农药使用几乎毫无控制和限制,什么人都能去买。除了没有相关知识,农民“即使知道,没有约束,也很难考虑后果”。





Sunday, August 22, 2010


黄庭坚(10451105),中国北宋书法家、文学家。字鲁直,号山谷道人、涪翁,分宁(今江西省修水县)人。治平三年(1066)进士,历官集贤校理、著作郎、秘书丞、涪州别驾、吏部员外郎。曾与秦观、张耒、晁补之游苏轼之门,号称苏门四学士。黄庭坚又工文章,擅长诗歌,为江西诗派之宗。著有《山 谷集》。








