Tuesday, November 30, 2010






Sunday, November 21, 2010


柚子含有豐富的纖維質和維他命 C,常吃有益健胃,順氣、化痰,也可消除疲勞、宿醉,化解便秘的功效。台灣俗話說「輕柑重柚」,因此柚子應挑選比較重的,大小約在十兩到十四兩左右。而柚 子的外皮最好是毛細孔愈細愈好,皮薄光潤,色澤淡綠或是淡黃,底部穩重外型勻稱,就能挑到好吃的柚子。




Tambun Pomelo Growers a 1 Malaysia Success Story

IPOH: The Tambun pomelo growers’ struggle for land titles is truly a 1 Malaysia success story, said Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah.

“The majority of them are Chinese who worked hard to develop their orchard.

“We have ‘bad’ people trying to take away the land that they have toiled for almost 50 years,” Ahmad Husni said during the presentation of the 99-year lease letters to the 72 growers in Tambun yesterday.

Ahmad Husni, who is also Tambun MP, said the episode was riddled with so many twists and plots that it had all the right ingredients to be made into a movie and offered to finance any reporter willing to write a story or script based on the growers’ struggles.

Ahmad Husni said the total land area involved was about 43.3ha and each grower needed to pay RM1,345 premium to get their land titles.

“The state government has agreed to waive their summonses of RM3,000 for encroaching on government land,” he added.

Ahmad Husni said that he would discuss with the state government to draw up a masterplan to develop the pomelo orchards to attract tourists.

He said the orchards would need to be modernised with more facilities and proper fencing.

Tambun pomelo growers finally get their land titles

Monday February 1, 2010

IPOH: After decades of uncertainty and countless eviction notices, pomelo growers in Tambun here will finally get the rights to the land which they and their forefathers have toiled on for the past 80 years.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir said the state government had approved land titles to 62 growers as part of initial efforts to solve their long-standing problems.

“The growers get to keep their original plots, each ranging between 40 sq metres and 1.79ha, for 99 years at a premium of RM1,000 per hectare on condition that they continue to grow pomelos.

“And at the requests of Tambun MP Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah and state executive councillor Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon, the state will not impose any penalty on the growers for farming on state land without permission.

“We will waive the penalty, which is normally twice the amount of land premium imposed, as we know that these growers have genuinely farmed on the land for decades and are not mere trespassers,” Dr Zambry said.

The 46.5ha land that was granted to the group of growers yesterday had initially belonged to the state but was later alienated to a developer.

Dr Zambry said the landowner had agreed in principle to return the orchard land to the state government for an alternative piece of land elsewhere.

For decades, the fate of the growers, who have made the Tambun pomelo a household name and known the world over, had hung in the balance as they received notice after notice to vacate the land to make way for a commercial project.

Tambun Pomelo Growers Association chairman Chow Sun, 74, said the farmers had fought hard to obtain ownership to the land which their forefathers had cleared and set up the pomelo farms some 80 years ago.

He said four generations had worked hard on the land and at present, about 200 to 300 people were involved in the activity on 809ha of land in the area.

“I am very satisfied with today’s results after all that we’ve been through in the last 25 years, trying to get our land titles.

“Nevertheless, we will continue to fight for the rest who have yet to get their titles,” he promised.

Ahmad Husni, who is also Second Finance Minister, said there were plans to engage a consultant to create a masterplan to upgrade the area into a world-class tourist destination.


Pomelo Farmers of Tambun To Get Land Titles

Saturday November 20, 2010

IPOH: About 70 growers of the popular Tambun pomelo are a step closer to getting titles to the land they and their forefathers have toiled on for the past 40 years.

They are expected to get 99-year lease letters for their orchards from the Perak government today.

Tambun Pomelo Growers Asso­ciation secretary Chin Too Kam said the group was thankful to Mentri Besar Dr Zambry Abd Kadir for making good the promise he made during his visit to their orchards in January.

Chin, 67, a second generation pomelo grower, expressed his gratitude to Tambun MP Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Hulu Kinta assemblyman Datuk Rosnah Kassim and state executive councillor Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon for their assistance over the years.

He said the group’s struggle for land titles to their 46ha orchard had been riddled with false hopes and disappointment in the last 20 years.

“We hope the other 70 to 80 farmers in the area who have yet to get their land titles will also receive similar good news soon,” he said.

A 56.5ha land area occupied by the remaining farmers, he said, was alienated to a developer sometime between 1993 and 1994 and the farmers had been applying for the titles since 1991.

“Pomelo growers have only this area. The land here is suitable and fertile for growing pomeloes. Houses can be built anywhere,” Chin said, adding that some 500 people would be left homeless and with no livelihood if they were chased out of the area.

Even if they were to start over, he said it would take at least three years for the new trees to bear fruits.

Chin also urged the state government to promote the pomelo orchards in Tambun and Ampang as a tourist destination. His orchard received 20,000 visitors last year.

苦等半世纪•感激胡斯尼 打扪72柚农喜获地契


胡斯尼昨晚在打扪柚园颁发柚园地契批准信5a表格(Borong 5a)给72户农民,共占地107亩地,拥99年地契。令农民欢喜不已。






已是第二代农民 ★杨建威(38岁,柚农)


8旬母亲圆心愿 ★刘秀萍(54岁,柚农)


终获地契好兴奋 ★周胜



终能安心发展 ★李国兴(51岁,柚农)




Thursday, November 18, 2010














Sunday, November 7, 2010




没错,农场,一个城市内的大型、营利性的农场。它能带来诸多的好处:弥补税收不足,提供体面的工作机会,供应本地市场及食肆新鲜农产品,并能吸引世界各地的游客,最重要的是刺激周围地带的发展,因为土地市场的“稀缺”将带来投资。昂斯自己先拿出3000万美元,于今年春季以底特律东边50 亩的土地作为试点。“它会成为世界上最大的城市农场。”








Problems of City Without Agriculture.

Some of us had put our future in the pass that we want to build a country of cities with rich and prosperity. But we never put in sight for crime will follow rich and prosperity.

Abandoned buildings is home of criminals and drug addicts.

Below are write up about Detroit losing out from car industry and became a city of crime just like we saw in the movies.

Like it or not, agriculture is strategic not only for food security.

Detroit is faced with a void of nutrition combined with high rates of crime and vandalism spurred on by thousands of vacant lots and buildings.

Farming, whether through small-scale gardens or large urban farms, can enhance the esthetics of the city, create jobs, and improve food safety, quality, and access. Urban agriculture is not only a practical economic development model for a struggling Detroit, but it is also a creative and sustainable method to restore Detroit’s vacant land to a viable

In some respects this is happening in Detroit already, based on what I’ve read. Many people are now active in community gardens. This has become an important food source for a lot of city people, because there are few grocery stores in the poorer parts of the city The only ‘food’ stores nearby are places like Seven/Eleven. For many people in Detroit, growing their own vegetables is just about the only way they’re going to get any.
