Sunday, April 28, 2013




Global Health Threat Seen in Overuse of Antibiotics on Chinese Pig Farms

By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW February 19, 2013


报道 20130219
BEIJING - As Europe continues to recoil at the "horseburger" scandal, focusing minds on the risks in long food-production chains, a new study has found that high use of antibiotics in Chinese pig farms is producing antibiotic-resistant genes that pose "a potential worldwide human health risk."
The "unchecked" use of antibiotics in Chinese farms poses risks that "may spread worldwide through manure and fertilizer run-off," according to an article in The Conversation, a journal funded by more than a dozen Australian universities.
由十几所澳大利亚大学联合创办的《对话》(The Conversation)杂志发表文章称,中国养猪场中不受限制地使用抗生素所带来的危险,可能会通过粪肥和化肥残留物向全世界扩散
The article cited a study by eight scientists from China and the United States published in the journal PNAS, or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America.
这篇文章引用了八名中国和美国科学家在《美国国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)上发表的一项研究报告。
The Chinese researchers, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and their colleagues from Michigan State University analyzed manure from three commercial pig farms in China. They compared the results to manure from pigs never fed antibiotics and soil from "a pristine forest," also in China, the article said.
来自中国科学院的中国科学家以及他们在密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)的同事一起分析了三家中国商业养猪场中的粪肥。作者在文章中说,他们将这些粪肥与来自中国的那些没有喂过抗生素的猪粪肥、以及与来 未受污染森林里的土壤,进行了比较。
The result: They found 149 "unique" antibiotic-resistant genes in the commercial farm manure, three times more than in the control samples.
In the language of science: "Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) are emerging contaminants posing a potential worldwide human health risk," the researchers wrote in an abstract.
用科学语言来说:抗生素耐药基因(antibiotic resistance genes, 简称ARGs)是一种新兴的污染物,给全球人类健康带来潜在危险,科学家在摘要中写道。
"Intensive animal husbandry is believed to be a major contributor to the increased environmental burden of ARGs. Despite the volume of antibiotics used in China, little information is available regarding the corresponding ARGs associated with animal farms," they wrote.
How does it go global? The genes can be spread via microbes in manure, compost or the soil, as these enter rivers, leach into underground water, are transported by the wind or human travel, or in agricultural products such as gardening compost, they said.
It was unclear from the study if the resistance had created superbugs, germs that are resistant to a combination of antibiotics, a co-author, Timothy Johnson, said, according to The Conversation.
根据《对话》发表的文章,该研究报告的作者之一蒂莫西·约翰逊(Timothy Johnson)表示,还不清楚这种耐药性是否已经产生了对多种抗生素的组合具有耐药性的超级细菌。
China is the world's biggest producer and consumer of antibiotics in the world, with at least 46 percent of antibiotics being used in livestock, The Conversation said.
Professor Matthew Cooper of the University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience told The Conversation that the paper had quantified this type of resistance evolution in Chinese pigs for the first time.
昆士兰大学分子生物科学研究所(University of Queensland's Institute for Molecular Bioscience)的马修·库珀(Matthew Cooper)教授告诉《对话》杂志,这项研究报告首次对中国养猪场中的这种耐药性演化情况进行了定量分析。
Professor Cooper said that more transparent reporting measures for antibiotics use were needed in both China and India. The European Union has banned the use of antibiotics as growth promoters, and the United States and Australia have been banning more classes of antibiotics, but a global framework is needed, he said.
库珀表示,需要在中国和印度建立更透明的抗生素使用情况报告措施。欧盟(European Union)已经禁止用抗生素来促进生长,美国和澳大利亚也正在禁止更多种类的抗生素,但还需要一个全球框架,他说。
"Animals get transported between countries, as do people. Infectious disease is no longer a national issue, it's a global issue," Professor Cooper said.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


欧洲食品安全管理局的研究人员在最广泛使用的转基因作物中发现了花椰菜花叶病毒 35S 的变种,这些转基因作物包括孟山都的抗草甘膦(Roundup Ready)大豆和玉米。研究人员在研究报告中称,病毒基因 VI viral VI Gene)或许会影响人类健康,抑制 RNA 静默和产生已知具有毒性的蛋白质。病毒基因的存在是否是实验室污染或存在安全风险可能又会引发恐慌,一位生物学家对此作出了详细解释:

  如果要在植物中插入新的基因,例如在孟山都的抗草甘膦作物中插入抗除草剂基因,你需要插入名叫启动子(promoter)的 DNA 片段去激活基因,转基因科学家选择了来自花椰菜花叶病毒的启动子,因为它非常适合这项任务,而且经过了充分研究。启动子包含了部分基因 VI 片段。这部分病毒片段是有意植入的,它们不具有基因活性,没有证据表明它会引发问题。花椰菜花叶病毒是一种天然存在的病毒,许多非转基因作物包含了完整的 基因 VI。这位生物学家指出,欧洲食品安全管理局的研究人员只是通过简单搜索数据库发现了基因 VI,他们是从最坏的方面推测从而得出结论

Hidden, deadly viral gene found in commercial GMO crops

(NaturalNews) Just a few months after a now-famous Italian study found that Monsanto's NK603 genetically-modified (GM) corn causes serious organ damage and tumors in mammals, a report issued by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has uncovered that most GMOs in commercial use today contain a hidden viral gene that appears to be unsafe for human consumption.

Entitled Possible consequences of the overlap between the CaMV 35S promoter regions in plant transformation vectors used and the viral gene VI in transgenic plants, the landmark report highlights that fact that 54 of the 86 GMO traits currently approved for use, or roughly 63 percent, contain a strange viral gene known as "Gene VI" that researchers have found alters the normal function of crops.

This alteration is present in most of the widely-grown GMOs in commercial use today, including both NK603 and MON810 corn, as well as Roundup-Ready soybeans, all of which are produced by Monsanto. And researchers have found that this rogue gene can induce unintended phenotypic changes, which can involve serious physical and biochemical mutations, in organisms.

"In the course of analysis to identify potential allergens in GMO crops, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has belatedly discovered that the most common genetic regulatory sequence in commercial GMOs also encodes a significant fragment of a viral gene," explains Independent Science News (ISN) about the discovery.

Based on earlier research involving the link between viral genes and plant and human health, the new discovery raises serious concerns about the safety of many GMOs in commercial production today. Since the inherent purpose of viral genes is to disable the host in order to allow for pathogenic invasion, their presence in the GMO-ridden food supply represents a serious threat to both plant and human health.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

H7N9病毒全国泛滥 源头在那 应当检讨转基因食品?

  毫不夸张地说:中国现在整个就一个转基因生产、消费、污染、受毒害毒杀大国!空气、水源、细菌、病毒、微生物、植物、动物、民众无一不受到转基因的污 染、毒害与毒杀!感谢农业部和前国务院对转基因战略支柱产业的大力支持,整个中国的环境、动物和全国人民正在惨遭杀人不见血的转基因大屠杀!


有必要呼吁对H7N9病患者进行转基因食品摄入调查,看看其感染及病的危重程度与转基因是否具有关联性。调查内容包括其主食是否包括转基因大米、米 粉、转基因玉米制品,副食是否包括转基因油、转基因豆制品、转基因土豆、白菜、西红柿等,水果是否包括转基因木瓜等,既要调查摄入品种,又要调查摄入量和 摄入时间。这样的调查,农业和卫生部门敢不敢做?