Thursday, May 23, 2013

南非水资源现状堪忧 2050年水资源或枯竭

国际在线消息(记者 张昀):322日是世界水日。对于非洲居民来说,最珍贵的莫过于是水资源。据非洲水事部长理事会执行秘书白马斯?塔尔说,目前非洲有3亿4千万人不能喝 到洁净水,5亿人生活在卫生条件很差的地区;水资源短缺,已经成为威胁非洲人民生存的主要危机之一。
  其实,非洲多年来都是处于一种普遍缺水的状态。在去年举行的第六届世界水论坛大会上发布的《联合国水机制》报告说,当今世界依然有20 亿人不能够喝到洁净的饮用水,其中大部分人生活在非洲。非洲最大的淡水湖——维多利亚湖的水位比上世纪90年代初降低了1米,南非《商业报告》指出,如果 不及时采取措施,到2050年南非的水资源将会枯竭。
  比如南部非洲国家津巴布韦,今年已经有多座城市水资源告急,第二大城市布拉瓦约在今年一月时已经因严重缺水而宣布进入紧急状态;南部城 市马辛戈的旱季更长达八个月之久,造成庄家大面积减产。非洲国家的水处理系统又比较落后,很多当地民众认为,市政供水不卫生,普遍靠打井和收集雨水来作为 饮用水;而很多井水也因为靠近污染源而成为危险水源。也正是因为一些人饮用了受污染的水源,津巴布韦在1999年、2002年和2008年多次爆发大规模 霍乱,造成数千人死亡。
  其实,导致非洲水资源危机的成因很复杂。有分析说,非洲气候持续干旱的原因很多,其中包括全球气候变暖与沙漠化以及大规模的森林砍伐, 森林面积缩减直接导致湖泊萎缩、河流水位降低和降雨减少,全球气候变暖导致更多极端天气的出现等。另外,由于大部分非洲国家还依旧采取传统的农业生产方 式,灌溉技术比较落后,在灌溉时大量珍贵的水资源都被浪费掉了。
  此外,还有专家指出,近10年来随着非洲总体安全环境的改善,经济的稳步增长,非洲人口迅速膨胀,城镇化加速,民用水、工业用水都不断 增加;而联合国环境规划署的数据则显示,高速发展的城市化进程与落后的基础设施建设不相适应,是非洲饮用水供给和安全状况不容乐观的主要原因。

Serita Frey’s Research Probes Climate Change’s Impact on Soils

Thursday, January 31, 2013
In a study published this month in the prestigious journal Nature Climate Change, Frey, professor of natural resources and the environment, finds that warmer temperatures due to climate change could cause soils to release additional carbon into the atmosphere, thereby enhancing climate change – but that effect diminishes over the long term. The study sheds new light on how soil microorganisms respond to temperature and could improve predictions of how climate warming will affect the carbon dioxide flux from soils.
Frey and co-authors Johan Six and Juhwan Lee of the University of California Davis and Jerry Melillo of the Marine Biological Laboratory were curious how increased temperatures due to climate change might alter the amount of carbon released from soils. “While they’re low on the charisma scale, soil microorganisms are so critically important to the carbon balance of the atmosphere,” Frey says. “If we warm the soil due to climate warming, are we going to fundamentally alter the flux of carbon into the atmosphere in a way that is going to feed back to enhance climate change?”
Yes, the researchers found. And no.
The study examined the efficiency of soil organisms – how completely they utilize food sources to maintain their cellular machinery – depending upon the food source and the temperature under two different scenarios. In the first short-term scenario, these researchers found that warming temperatures had little effect on soils’ ability to use glucose, a simple food source released from the roots of plants. For phenol, a more complex food source common in decomposing wood or leaves, soils showed a 60 percent drop in efficiency at higher temperatures.
“As you increase temperature, you decrease the efficiency – soil microorganisms release more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere – but only for the more complex food sources,” Frey explains. “You could infer that as the soil warms, more carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere, exacerbating the climate problem.”
That effect diminishes, however, in the second scenario, in which soils were warmed to 5 degrees Celsius above the ambient temperature for 18 years. “When the soil was heated to simulate climate warming, we saw a change in the community to be more efficient in the longer term,” Frey says, lessening the amount of carbon dioxide the soils release into the atmosphere and, in turn, their impact on the climate. “The positive feedback response may not be as strong as we originally predicted.”
Frey and her colleagues hypothesize that long-term warming may change the community of soil microorganisms so that it becomes more efficient. Organism adaptation, change in the species that comprise the soils, and/or changes in the availability of various nutrients could result in this increased efficiency.

How Soil Carbon Responds to Climate Change: Scientists Work to Improve Predictions

Oct. 5, 2011 — Soils store more carbon than the atmosphere and living plants. But scientists don't know why some organic compounds persist for centuries or even thousands of years in soils, while others quickly decompose.
This longstanding mystery is addressed in a review by the University of Zurich's Michael Schmidt, Susan Trumbore from Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry in Jena and an international team of scientists that is published in the Oct. 6 issue of the journal Nature. The researchers suggest ways to improve the ability to predict how soil carbon responds to climate change as well as land use and vegetation change.
For many years, scientists thought that organic matter persists in soil because some of it forms very complex molecular structures that were too difficult for organisms to break down.
In their Nature review, however, Schmidt and colleagues point out how recent advances, from imaging the molecules in soils to experiments that track decomposition of specific compounds, show this view to be mistaken. For example, the major forms of organic matter in soils are in the forms of simple biomolecules, rather than large macromolecules. Charred residues from fire provide a possible exception, but even these have been shown to decompose.
If molecular structure is not causing organic molecules to persist, what is? The team contends that the average time carbon resides in soil is a property of the interactions between organic matter and the surrounding soil ecosystem. Factors like physical isolation, recycling, or protection of molecules by minerals or physical structures like aggregates, or even unfavorable local temperature or moisture conditions, can all play a role in reducing the probability that a given molecule will decompose.
Although soils are teeming with bacteria (there are approximately 40 million cells in a gram of soil), they typically occupy less than 1% of the available volume, and are usually clustered in 'hot spots'. In some situations where microbial populations are sparse, for example in deep soils or far from roots, it may just require a long time for suitable conditions to arise that allow a molecule to be broken down. In other locations, freezing temperatures may inhibit microbial action.
Why is this important? Currently, models we use to predict how global soil carbon will respond to climate change include little mechanistic understanding and instead use simple factors like temperature dependence that indicate acceleration of decomposition in a warmer world. This assumes that temperature is the major limitation to decomposition, whereas other factors may dominate.
The decomposition-warming feedback predicts large soil carbon losses and an amplification of global warming, but in fact the authors argue this approach is too simplistic. In the Nature review, the scientists make several suggestions where current improvements in understanding could be built into models, improving our ability to predict how soil carbon responds not only to climate but to land use or vegetation change.

How Soil Carbon Responds to Climate Change: Scientists Work to Improve Predictions

Oct. 5, 2011 — Soils store more carbon than the atmosphere and living plants. But scientists don't know why some organic compounds persist for centuries or even thousands of years in soils, while others quickly decompose.
This longstanding mystery is addressed in a review by the University of Zurich's Michael Schmidt, Susan Trumbore from Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry in Jena and an international team of scientists that is published in the Oct. 6 issue of the journal Nature. The researchers suggest ways to improve the ability to predict how soil carbon responds to climate change as well as land use and vegetation change.
For many years, scientists thought that organic matter persists in soil because some of it forms very complex molecular structures that were too difficult for organisms to break down.
In their Nature review, however, Schmidt and colleagues point out how recent advances, from imaging the molecules in soils to experiments that track decomposition of specific compounds, show this view to be mistaken. For example, the major forms of organic matter in soils are in the forms of simple biomolecules, rather than large macromolecules. Charred residues from fire provide a possible exception, but even these have been shown to decompose.
If molecular structure is not causing organic molecules to persist, what is? The team contends that the average time carbon resides in soil is a property of the interactions between organic matter and the surrounding soil ecosystem. Factors like physical isolation, recycling, or protection of molecules by minerals or physical structures like aggregates, or even unfavorable local temperature or moisture conditions, can all play a role in reducing the probability that a given molecule will decompose.
Although soils are teeming with bacteria (there are approximately 40 million cells in a gram of soil), they typically occupy less than 1% of the available volume, and are usually clustered in 'hot spots'. In some situations where microbial populations are sparse, for example in deep soils or far from roots, it may just require a long time for suitable conditions to arise that allow a molecule to be broken down. In other locations, freezing temperatures may inhibit microbial action.
Why is this important? Currently, models we use to predict how global soil carbon will respond to climate change include little mechanistic understanding and instead use simple factors like temperature dependence that indicate acceleration of decomposition in a warmer world. This assumes that temperature is the major limitation to decomposition, whereas other factors may dominate.
The decomposition-warming feedback predicts large soil carbon losses and an amplification of global warming, but in fact the authors argue this approach is too simplistic. In the Nature review, the scientists make several suggestions where current improvements in understanding could be built into models, improving our ability to predict how soil carbon responds not only to climate but to land use or vegetation change.